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According to Freedom house, an international human rights research organization, China scored 11 in the 2019 world freedom survey report, three points lower than last year, and was again rated as "not free".
01 Typical Scenario
Subway security check:
In Chinese, every subway passenger is subject to mandatory security check for the safety sake. Every passage is regarded as a potential terrorist unlese he passes the check.

02 Research
People generally support the subway security check and think it can ensure their safety. Few of them realize that compulsory security is a violation to their private rights and identity.

The balance between public and private power has existed since the very beginning of the state and government. Different forms of State have different relations between public and private power.
If private rights have always given way to public power, the rights of the people will be suppressed indefinitely.

Therefore, I want to discuss the violation of private rights by public power in the context of China's high concentration of power, and try to strengthen the public's perception of individual rights By telling a story about the transformation of citizenship during subway security checks,
03 Storytelling

More video information:https://youtu.be/zcxleySHD1c